Worksafe BC ( Advanced - Less Oxygen ) First Aid Kit

Sale price$300.00 CAD
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Worksafe BC has updated first aid requirements.

As of November 1 2024, new training and new first aid kits are being mandated. It has been 20 years since the last major revision to these standards.

These changes are designed to ensure worksites have appropriate supplies for the types of injuries that may occur. Workplace hazards, training, number of employees and travel time to hospitals are variables the end user needs to consider when selecting first aid supplies.

Please note that Worksafe BC will allow a transition period.

“While some of the kit materials have changed, employers will be required to move to these new contents only if there are significant gaps in their current kits, as new kits are purchased, or as supplies are replaced.”


“…anyone holding a current valid first aid certificate under the old requirements can continue to use it until it expires.”

Training and kit contents are now aligned with CSA standards. This will allow workers to use first aid kits in BC and the rest of Canada.


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